Stream of Consciousness


What does my

Highest Self want me to know?

What am I avoiding?

If I chose to confront it, what would be possible?

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Where am I

currently settling for "good enough?

What would be available to me if I was no longer willing to settle?

What do I

love about my life?

What is my

heart yearning for?

What am I

most afraid of?

What is available to me when I face off with that fear?

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How can I

upgrade and set higher standards for in my life?

How would I

show up differently in my life

if I stopped trying to manage how other people experience me?

Who am I really,

without labels like my profession or day-to-day roles I play?

What are the values

that act as a compass for everything I do and for my way of being?

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What am I

here to do?

What would I

do if I wasn’t here for a particular purpose? 

How would my

way of being shift if I was totally confident in myself?

If money

wasn’t a factor, how would I be choosing to live?

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What strengths do I

have that others see in me, but that I have not fully owned within myself?

What behaviors,

patterns, beliefs, and thoughts do I have that aren’t serving my highest path forward?

What did I

bring into the world when I was born?

What exists

in the world because of me?

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Who are my

biggest supporters?

How can I show them appreciation today?

Who would I

love to attract into my life?

Who do I have to be to attract this person? 

What have you

remembered about Yourself at this point in the journey?

What has shifted? What are you loving about your life right now?

Where would

more boundaries serve me in my relationships?

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What resources

am I not tapping into?

How can I

be more in flow?

What obstacles am I

am I most proud of overcoming to be where I am right now?

How can I

experience more pleasure?

What lessons have I

gleaned from painful experiences?

What do I

stand for in my life?

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What “mistake”

am I most grateful for having made?

What haven’t I

celebrated in my life that deserves celebration?

If I was living into my

fullest capacity, what would that look like right now?

What commitments,

contracts, vows, and rules did my past-self make that no longer feel in alignment and true for me?

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What would I

like to forgive others for?

What would I

like to forgive myself for?

In what situations

and relationships do I feel most powerful?

In what situations

am I giving away my power?

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Where could I

trust myself more?

What inside of me

longs to be expressed?

What is my body

feeling right now?

Where is that feeling in my body? What does that feeling want me to know?

What is draining

my energy right now?

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What can I

simplify and how?

What was your

favorite activity to do as a child and how did it make you feel?

What can you do today to embody that feeling?

What is something

I can do now that will matter a year from now?

What would I

do today if nothing mattered?

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What is a

supportive decision I can make for myself right now?

What have I been waiting for to make that decision?

If my only job

was to be happy, what would my day look like?

What turns on

my creativity?

What secret am I

harboring that would feel good to share and release?

Who can I trust sharing it with?

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If the Universe

sent a Messenger to me, what would be their message?

What is something I

have been afraid of expressing to someone?

What might open up in that relationship if I have the courage to share it?

If I remember

giving and receiving are one truth, what would I choose to give today?

What would

it look like if I made love to all of life today?

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